General Library Card Rules

  • Patrons must obtain a library card to check out materials.  Library cards are free to citizens of Washington County.  Patrons must have photo identification and proof of current address to apply for a library card.

  • Replacement fee for lost card is $2.00

  • Books are generally checked out for a two week period

  • Videos are generally checked out for a three day period

  • Late fees are charges only when there is a waiting list on a book and it is not returned on time.  If no one is waiting on an overdue book, no fine is due.  However we do encourage you to return or renew your books by the due date.

  • Patrons may check out 2 items on their first visit to the library, and up to a maximum of 8 items every visit after that.  An adult may check out 8 children's items as well as the 8 adult items on their card.

  • Non resident library cards are available.  The fee for out-of-county patrons is $10.00 per year and out-of-state patrons is $25.00 per year.